October Baby Discussion Guide

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Discussion guide for october baby

For opening weekend, October Baby finished No. 8 overall, despite being played in only 390 theaters when the other Top 10 movies played in an average of 2,500 theaters! It was also the No. 1 limited release film and ended up with the third highest per-screen average. It is encouraging that Hollywood sees more people want life-affirming, family-friendly movies made. I was very impressed with the quality of October Baby. The acting was great and not cheesy at all, the music was beautiful, and the story was very powerful.

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I was recently told that October Baby was inspired by the lives of three abortion survivors: Gianna Jessen, Melissa Ohden, and myself. As I mentioned before in a, as the fictional story unfolded before me on the screen, I was amazed at how similar the story is to my own, real-life story. For me, it isn’t just a moving tale of someone else’s life, like most movies are.

The main character, Hannah, goes on a journey searching for the answers to who she is and where she came from, just like I did. There were so many missing pieces and questions in her life, like in mine. She discovers the events surrounding her conception and birth around the same age I found out about mine. Finding these things out has been painful.

It was hard to look my birth mother in the eye as she told me that I had survived two abortion attempts on my life. It is hard to live with this daily reality that I am not supposed to even be here. God had a plan and purpose for my life and had His hand on me in the womb, yet I almost didn’t make it out alive. My physical and emotional problems go back to the failed abortion attempt and the trauma involved with that, just like Hannah’s. Only after finding out about the abortion did I see how everything is connected. Another thing from the movie that is like my life is how Hannah had a twin brother that passed away because of the abortion.

My twin brother passed away because of the abortion. I was the surprise baby that nobody knew about. If it weren’t for my brother’s life, I would have been the one aborted and you would not be reading these words today. It was painful to find out about my brother, but it made sense to me when I did find out. I always knew I had a brother and it was just another missing piece of my life that I had no answers to. I am thankful to know about his life and though it was short, I can be his voice and share his legacy.

Hannah was also adopted into a loving, Christian family, just as I was. And her dad was a very protective dad, who was a leader and put his family first always. My dad is the same way.

Unlike Hannah, I grew up knowing I was adopted. Though, I never could have imagined I had survived an abortion. God blessed me with a family that truly wanted me and loved me UNCONDITIONALLY. The way my parents love me is a reflection of how God loves usit is not because of anything we’ve done or could ever do. And He forgives us of our sins, not because of anything we have done or could ever do. The movie beautifully portrays the forgiveness that can be found in Christ alone. I am so thankful that I was raised in a Christian family and have a relationship with Jesus because it has given me the ability to forgive my birth mother and everyone else involved in the two attempts to take my life. “Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.” -Ephesians 4:32 Even with things that the world would think should never be forgiven, because of Christ in us and Him giving us the power to forgive, we can!

No matter what it is, He can give us the grace and strength. He sets us free and gives us the ability to love others, even those that don’t deserve itbecause He loved us and forgave us even though we didn’t deserve it. I pray that whoever sees this movie will walk away, not just thinking how sad of a story it is, but how beautiful it is. Only God can make beauty from ashes and turn something that the world looks at as one of the worst possible circumstances into something that brings Him glory! Only God knows the answers to all the questions we have in life. My family and I have many questions that we know will never be answered until we meet Jesus face-to-face. But, we must leave it in His hands and trust that He holds us and will sustain us.

Employee Discussion Guide

Even through the questions and the heartache, we can choose to trust Him. Because if we don’t, we will be miserable and haunted by all the “what ifs.” May we take God at His word when He says He will work all things, good and bad, together for our good. “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose.” -Romans 8:28 October Baby is a wonderful movie about forgiveness, redemption, unconditional love, adoption, and LIFE! If you haven’t yet seen this amazing movie, I suggest you do so soonlike, this weekend! You will surely be blessed by it. I pray that through this movie, lives will be saved, hearts will be changed, and hurting people healed. I ask that if you have time, take your friends and family to see this in theatres.

Book Discussion Guide Questions

And be sure to stay through the credits, which include the real-life testimony of actress, Shari Rigby. Also, share it on your facebook pages and blogs.