Psst Test Study Guide

PERT (Postsecondary Education Readiness Test) is an exam used by the state of Florida to measure the academic preparedness of future college students. The purpose of the exam, which is taken in the 11th grade, is to determine if a student is ready to do college level work in reading, writing, and mathematics. Previously, Florida used the ACCUPLACER exam for this purpose, but educational experts in the state decided to go with an exam that complements the Florida Comprehensive Assessment Test (FCAT), which is given to all 10th graders in the state. Since the exam measures the ability to handle college level work, high school students who have already demonstrated college readiness are not required to take it.

There are several ways of doing this. A student can achieve a Level 4 or Level 5 on the FCAT, or they can earn high enough scores on the ACCUPLACER, the SAT, or the ACT to demonstrate college readiness. For the ACCUPLACER, scores needed are: Elementary Algebra - 72, Reading - 83, and Sentence Skills - 83. On the SAT, a student will need to score at least 440 on both sections, Verbal and Math. On the ACTS, scores needed are: Reading - 18, English - 17, and Math - 19. PERT is a computer adaptive exam. That means that not all test takers will see the same questions, because the computer will show questions of varying levels of difficulty based on the answers to previous questions.

Each section (reading, writing and math) contains 30 questions. Of these, five will not count toward the score, as they are used for research and development purposes.

However, test takers will not know which questions are for developmental purposes, so they should answer all 30 to the best of their ability. The exam is not timed, and most people take two or three hours to complete all three sections. Free PERT Practice Test. People who didn't take PERT in high school, or whose scores are more than two years old, will need to take the test again if they want to attend a school in the Florida college system. Some colleges charge a fee for the exam (currently $10), but some don't.


People who aren't satisfied with their scores may retest, but only once for each subject. This limit of only one re-take is one of the reasons it's advisable for prospective college students to take advantage of study guides available for the exam. A high score can mean avoiding remedial and/or basic coursework, saving a student a lot of time and money.

Taking numerious PERT practice tests is recommended for test day success. PERT Practice Tests PERT Exam Self-Assessment Modules.

Free arctic cat repair manual. What is the PSAT all about? Well, first, let's start with the name.

Post Test Study Guides And Explanation

PSAT is actually not the full acronym, which is PSAT/NMSQT. That stands for Preliminary SAT/National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test. (You can see why most people just stick with PSAT.) Tens of millions of young Americans have taken the PSAT over the years. Over three million high school juniors and seniors took the exam in 2008 alone. A few 7th graders, 8th graders, and 9th graders are allowed to take the test each year, but the vast majority of students who take it are in 10th or 11th grade.

The test is actually given at and administered by high schools, although it is owned and operated by the College Board and the National Merit Scholarship Corporation. The test actually serves several purposes. First and foremost, it prepares students for the SAT, the most common college application test in the US. Since many of these students will be taking the SAT in a year or two, and because the PSAT is designed to be very similar to the SAT, it's a great way to prepare for the SAT.

Second, students can qualify for scholarship money, including full, four year scholarships, if their PSAT scores are high enough. Third, the feedback students receive after taking the test helps them identify their strengths and weaknesses, so they can use the information to improve academically. Fourth, they can also learn more about colleges and universities they're interested in. Free PSAT Practice Test. There are three sections on the PSAT: Writing Skills, Critical Reading, and Math. Each section is scored from 20 to 80, meaning the highest possible score is a 240.

Students have two hours and ten minutes to complete the entire test. There is a lot of anxiety about the PSAT, and this is understandable, as students with the highest scores can qualify for a lot of scholarship money (and get their name and picture in the local paper). However, most students would do well to relax as much as possible so they can do their very best, and get as much as they possibly can out of their PSAT experience, in order to learn from it so they can be as well prepared as possible for the SAT. For most students, the SAT is the really important test, and there is a lot of scholarship money riding on it, too, as well as chances of being admitted to elite colleges. It's best not to worry too much over the PSAT, but use it as a stepping stone to success on the SAT.

Taking numerious PSAT practice tests is recommended for test day success. Best PSAT Prep - Practice Test.