1999 Super Duty Workshop Manual

  1. Ford Super Duty 1999
  2. 1999 Ford F250 Super Duty Service Manual
  3. 1999 Super Duty Shop Manual

VIN is located on top of instrument panel, near lower left corner of windshield. VIN is also stamped on Vehicle Certification (VC) label mounted on left door pillar. Engine code labels are located in engine compartment, in front of radiator and on right valve cover. Label contains engine calibration number, engine build date, engine plant code and engine code. Elementary linear algebra solution manual. Emission calibration number label is located on upp er radiator shield. This label identifies engine calibration number, engine code number and revision level.


Numbers from labels are required when ordering replacement parts. Remove fu el cap to releas e fuel tank pres sure. Con nect EFI Pre ssur e Gauge (T80L- 9974-B ) to relief valve on right rear corner of fuel rail. Release pressure using valve on pressure gaug e. Befor e disconne cting fue l lines, di sconne ct negati ve batter y cable. To disc onnect fue l lines, re move retaining clip from outside of fuel line coupling.

Inst all Spri ng Lock Coupli ng Remover ( D87L-9 280-A) f or 3/8' lin e or (D87L-9 280-B) f or 1/2' lin e on fuel line coupling so it enters cage opening. Push spr ing lock coupl ing remov er into cage open ing to rele ase femal e fittin g from gart er spri ng. Pull couplings apart. Remove spring lock coupling remover. When inst allin g fuel lines, fi t NEW fuel resis tant 'O' ring s (Brown) on fuel li nes. Befor e install ing, lightly coat 'O' rings with clean engine oil.

Clean fittings, and replace garter spring (if nece ssary). Inst all femal e fitting to male fi tting and push unt il garter sp ring snaps over fl ared end of female fit ting. Ensure lines lock together and garter spring is ov er female fitting flared end. Inst all reta ining cli p. Insta ll Black re tainin g clip on fuel sup ply line and Gr ay clip on fuel ret urn line.

Ford Super Duty 1999


1999 Ford F250 Super Duty Service Manual

Ensure horseshoe portion of clip is over cou pling. DO NOT install retaining clip over rubber fuel line. May lose memory data. Driveability problems may exist until computer systems have completed a relearn cycle. See COMPUTER RELEARN PROCEDURES article in GENERAL INFORMATION before disconnecting battery. NO TE: Fo r r ea ss em bl y r ef er en ce, l ab el al l e le ct ri ca l c on ne ct or s, va cu um ho se s a nd fuel lines before removal. Place mating marks on engine hood and other major assemblies before removal.

1999 Super Duty Shop Manual

WARNING: Fuel system is under pressure. Release pressure before servicing fuel system components.