Ace Group Certification Handbook Study Guide

Finding the middle range when the pelvis is flexed and extended while lying on the floor b. Stand up straight and hyperextend the shoulders back c.

  1. A+ Certification Study Guide

While sitting in a chair, press the small of the back towards the back of the chair, chest forward and lifted d. Stand up with knees slightly bent, shoulder blades back, head straight 2.

All of the following are reported benefits of using hand weights while participating in aerobic exercise EXCEPT: a. The use of 3-5 pound weight can help to better define the shoulder and upper arm muscles b. The use of a 1-3 pound weight can increase heart rate up to 10 beats per minute c. The use of 1-3 pound weight can increase caloric expenditure by up to 15% d. Hand weights provide a better physiologic response than ankle weights. Viscous or soluble fibers have been shown to help lower blood cholesterol.

Which of the following foods is least likely to help with lowering cholesterol? Cauliflower b. Kidney beans 4.

A new skill becomes a habit in which of the following stages of learning? Autonomous b.

Associative c. Motivational 5. Which of the following is not a useful strategy in preventing shin splints? Try not to quickly increase the intensity level from low to high within a class b.

A+ Certification Study Guide

Allow participants to exercise in bare feet c. Encourage lower leg stretching that incorporates the anterior and posterior muscles d. Appropriate shock absorbing flooring should be utilized in classes that involve increasing intensity and impact Answers & Explanations 1.

A: A neutral spine alignment is important in protecting the spine and lower back from injury and stress. The crucial piece of finding a neutral spine is determining the neutral position of the pelvis.

This can be accomplished by lying on the floor with knees bent. The pelvic area should be flexed and extended while paying attention to the feeling that occurs with each. A middle range should then be determined by the client.

The abdominal muscles should be pulled in flat towards the spine as if trying to balance a cup of water. The spine should be slightly curved away from the floor and not flat on the floor.

To achieve a neutral spine while standing, the head should be held straight up with chin in. The shoulder blades should be back with the chest area lifted. The knees should not be bent. The client should pull the abdominal area in towards the spine but the pelvis should not be tilted.

A: The addition of hand weights is a frequent choice to try to increase the intensity of a workout. Wrist weights are the preferred choice over hand weights because the gripping of the hand weights can cause an elevation of blood pressure in certain individuals. The use of 1-3 pound weights is also preferred because weights heavier than 3 pounds can cause too much strain on the shoulder and arm muscles and may cause injury. Using 1-3 pound weights can increase heart rate by up to 10 beats per minute. There is also a 5-15% increase in caloric expenditure as well as oxygen consumption by using 1-3 pound weights. Hand weights provide a better advantage over ankle weights by increasing heart rate more.

Ankle weights can also cause issues with movement in the lower extremities and may have a higher risk of injury. A: There are two main types of fiber - soluble fiber (also called viscous fiber) and insoluble fiber (also called incompletely fermented fiber). Soluble fiber has been shown to help lower blood cholesterol levels because it helps to reduce absorption of dietary cholesterol by the body. Foods that are high in soluble fiber include oatmeal, oat bran, peas, citrus fruits, and the pulp of an apple. Insoluble fiber is more beneficial in the digestive process and elimination. This type of fiber is not completely digested. Foods that contain insoluble fiber include wheat cereal and bread, and certain vegetables such as Brussels sprouts, cabbage, and cauliflower.

Both types of fiber should be consumed every day. The Dietary Reference Intake (DRIs) recommends 38 grams of fiber each day for men under the age of 50 and 25 grams per day for women under the age of 50. For those older than 50, the recommendations are 30 grams for men and 21 grams for women. A: Three stages of learning as related to motor skills were described in 1967 by Paul Fitts and Michael Posner. The first stage is the cognitive stage.

In this stage, the individual is trying to learn a new skill but makes errors and the skill is not consistent. Correct breathing can be an issue in this stage.

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The second stage is called the associative stage. In this stage, the skill becomes more consistent and the individual is less likely to make errors. Most of the time, the individual is also able to recognize when the skill is not being performed correctly. The third stage is the autonomous stage.

It is in this stage that the new skill becomes a habit. The individual is performing the skill without needing to think about what is being done, but is still able to recognize when mistakes are made.

Ace Group Certification Handbook Study Guide

Driving a car is an example of a skill done in this stage. B: Shin splints are a common injury caused mainly through overuse by repetitive motions of the lower leg such as from running.

The foot is not able to adequately absorb the impact of the shock and this can lead to microtearing of the anterior and posterior muscles in the lower leg. Proper footwear is essential is helping to prevent shin splints and orthotics are sometimes prescribed for individuals who are prone to this injury. Continuous repetitive movement on hard surfaces is discouraged and appropriate flooring that helps to absorb shock is recommended for classes with increased intensity or impact. Individuals should be encouraged to adequately stretch their lower leg muscles including the anterior and posterior muscles.

If an individual has a shin splint, proper treatment includes ice and rest followed by stretching and strengthening of the lower legs. ACE Personal Trainer Exam Practice Test.